第1回セッションは、グローバルヘルス協力の最前線にて、また組織のリーダーとして活躍されているElizabeth Bradley先生(Vassar College学長)と、東大名誉教授(日本政治外交史)で国際協力機構(JICA)理事長の北岡伸一氏をお招きし、事前オンライン収録による対談セミナー「いまなぜ、保健医療の国際協力は必要か?」を実施し、YouTubeサイトへ一般公開しました。
【Announcement】SPJ Online Seminar Series
Starting August 2020, SDGs Promise Japan (SPJ) has launched a 12-session online seminar series on “Global Health in the Era of COVID-19: Infectious Disease and Human Security”.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the challenges that infectious diseases impose on our health, our daily life, and our local and global economies. SPJ is committed to addressing the health problems caused by parasitic and bacterial infections (Neglected Tropical Diseases: NTDs) that are spreading among the poor in developing countries, and we have created this series with the hope to create dialogue regarding infectious disease and its implications on human security in the age of COVID-19.
Our first session features Dr. Elizabeth Bradley, President of Vassar College, a global health and leadership expert, and Dr. Shinichi Kitaoka, President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo (Japanese Political and Diplomatic History).
Watch the English version here.